U.S.Constitution: Voting Rights

Authored by: uscitizenpod
vote in a federal election
USCIS Civics (History and Government) Questions for the Naturalization Test USCIS 100:27. In what month do we vote for President?* ▪ November USCIS 100:48. There are four amendments to the Constitution about who can vote. Describe one of them. ▪ Citizens eighteen (18) and older (can vote). ▪ You don’t have to pay (a poll tax) to vote. ▪ Any citizen can vote. (Women and men can vote.) ▪ A male citizen of any race (can vote). USCIS 100:49. What is one responsibility that is only for United States citizens?* ▪ serve on a jury ▪ vote in a federal election USCIS 100:50. Name one right only for United States citizens. ▪ vote in a federal election ▪ run for federal office USCIS 100:54. How old do citizens have to be to vote for President?* ▪ eighteen (18) and older USCIS 100:55. What are two ways that Americans can participate in their democracy? ▪ vote ▪ join a political party ▪ help with a campaign ▪ join a civic group ▪ join a community group ▪ give an elected official your opinion on an issue ▪ call Senators and Representatives ▪ publicly support or oppose an issue or policy ▪ run for office ▪ write to a newspaper